Friday, October 26, 2007

We Made It!

Ben had his last flight this week and passed on the first try and now he is home with me :) woo hoo! Our six weeks is over and now I get to keep him for at least 1 year before he has to leave again but I'll take it. Even though I missed him so much I'm glad he got to do this. It has made us stronger as a couple, strengthened both of our testimonies and Ben even had quite a few missionary experiences in Colorado. I think being in the military is going to be a blessing more than anything. I look at it for an opportunity to have a strong marriage and family. I'll always remind myself not to take him for granted and to enjoy every moment I have with him.


Andy and Melissa said...

Yay!!! Hallelujah! You made it! I am soooo happy for you!

Michelle said...

YAY!!!! I am so proud of Ben!! I am so glad that you guys can be together again and for a whole year. Miss you both!!

Ashley Kearns said...

Those are great pics. Are you guy's coming out to the Air Show? It would be so fun!


Ashley K said...

I wish! I can't because I have to work again....I really need to stop working because I miss out on all the fun but I think you should have Mike call and talk Ben into going because he would LOVE it. Love ya and miss you guys!