Wednesday, January 30, 2008

First Day of School

We have officially started pilot training as of last friday. This is a picture of Ben on his first day of school very early in the morning. So Cute :) This is a really busy time because Ben has class about 12 hours a day and I'm going to school full time and working full time at the moment. It's a crazy life but we have each other to get us through it.


Joneel said...

OH MY WORD !! You are so busy. But I'm glad that you are doing it Ashley

Andy and Melissa said...

I feel you on the busy thing. Im not in school but Stella and the boy I babysit make me feel like I am working constantly - and Andy feels probably a little similar to ben - so we feel ya - kinda. Hope you start to feel like things settle into place and are a little less hectic soon.

Ashley K. said...

Yay! I miss you!!! I don't have your number... we need to catch up!