Sunday, January 13, 2008

So Profound....

Today in Sacrament Meeting we had a wonderful opportunity to hear from one of our Stake High Council men Bro. Lee Manzer. His talk really brought the spirit into that meeting and just helped a lot of us put everything into perspective. Our topic was conversion. He started out by telling us a story about a brother in the church who had once been in the military. The military was interviewing for an lds chaplain and for some reason they had picked him even though he didn't meet the qualifications, but they said if he was right for the job they could find a way to get past those qualifications. So, he began with his interview. The interviewer the Brother to tell him about the church and why he would be good for that certain position. Of course, he told the interviewer all about his callings and responsibilities, about his family and everyday life, and about the kind of person he has become because of the church. After he was done the interviewer asked him, "Do you believe in Christ?" He responded with, "Of Course!" He went on to explain how our whole church is based around the Savior. His name is in the title of the church, we close our prayers in his name, and we take the sacrament to remember him.

The interviewer then said well if the Savior is so important to you then how come in the 7 whole minutes you were telling me about your church you never once mentioned his name? This particular brother said he will never make that mistake again.

Bro. Manzer went on to tell us about how many times he has been in a fast and testimony meeting and never once heard someone's testimony on the savior besides in closing. He reminded us that a lot of times there are visitors and we can't assume they know of our belief in the savior. Also, I know I've made this mistake....when people ask us what we believe, the very FIRST thing that we should say is we believe in the Savior Jesus Christ and bare our testimony of him. It's no wonder we have so many people believing in the rumor that we are not Christians.

Anyway, he went on a little more about that but to me it just seemed so profound yet so simple. It also made me feel a little more comfortable baring my testimony and sharing with others what I believe. :)


Unknown said...

What a fantastic reminder Ash! Thanks for sharing!

Joneel said...

Ashley, thanks for sharing that. It's always so nice to be reminded of such things.

Andy and Melissa said...

Yeah - I am guilty of not always elaborating on Christ because I assume that is obvious - and it isn't. Thanks for the post - I hope it will help me to do better.