Friday, February 29, 2008


Just as we thought our lives couldn't get any busier we had some friends who had to leave on a last minute 6 week assignment so they asked if we would help them out and watch their pup, Sami, for that "short" time. As you can see right here she doesn't look like a pup. :)

At least to us compared to Ruby

Before Sami came this is what Ruby would do all day since she didn't have a play mate

But now they are....

Tearing up our carpet...

Eating the wood off of our house....

Did I mention tearing up the carpet?....

And besides barking, pooping, whining, and fighting the only other thing is digging holes bigger than the size of ruby under our fence so she spends more time in the neighbor's yard more than our own. I have video's of that later. Ü Other than that we're enjoying our time with Sami.

So I'm calling a truce with Sami. (Kearns Home Peace)


Ashley K. said...

Such a bummer! Remember our stairs? UGH...

Joneel said...

Oh man, that's even worse than the dog Babe. So sorry

Michelle said...

YOu are so funny! I love the humor...I am so glad you added a post. I am definitely not bored with the pictures of the dogs. Your poor house makes me sad though...good luck with that. love ya

Mari said...

So I'm pretty sure I would steal ruby if I had the chance, let me think... yep. I definitely would.