This is how we've been spending our days lately. Tired. Oliver is back to getting up multiple times a night and is up by 4:30 a.m. everyday. We went back to crying it out at bedtime and I think we're going to have to let him cry it out at 4 a.m. also. That's just too early to function.
On a better note he is so fun when he isn't cranky... He's now crawling EVERYWHERE! He gets into all kinds of fun stuff. He has his two bottom teeth and his top teeth should be here anyday now. He's 20.5 lbs. Loves watching Daddy play video games

I came downstairs one day after I asked Ben to watch him while I took a shower and this is what I found.
Here's a couple home movies for you....one with Oliver's favorite game peek-a-boo and the other is little man crawling.
I LOVE your baby!!! He is SO darn cute! I cannot believe how big he is...he weighs so much more than Macy it is crazy. I want to see him and squeeze him. He is crawling so well...Macy still doesn't straighten her arms when she crawls, but man she is fast. I think they would be great friends and who are we to keep friends from each other? I hope he starts sleeping better, but I see that the lack of sleep doesn't keep you from looking fabulous.
Oh I miss him so much. He's growing up way too fast! Keep bloggin chica, its been too long.
it's weird how he is the cutest little child in the entire universe and i miss him soooo much!! love you guys! come visit soon! :)
Too bad the little guy is having trouble sleeping, but luckily his cuteness makes up for it! lol. Hope everything is going well for you guys!
These are adorable. I love him!!! Especially love the one of the two of you sleeping. So precious.
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