Here's just some of the examples:
-waking up at 3:30 in the morning and staying up for the rest of the day and only taking a 30 min nap for 3 days in a row
-when we try to put him in his crib to let him cry himself to sleep he just cries for hours until I give in
-spitting his food out and slapping it out of our hands
-not wanting to be held or put down
-refusing to sit in the bath which caused him to fall into the faucet and give himself a black eye
-and learning how to throw tantrums by screaming, crying and hitting
But it looks like he's finally starting to be nice to his mommy and daddy again. :) On a better note he are some of the fun things we did in October
For family home evening we went to a farm to pick out our pumpkins, go to the petting zoo and corn maze
We learned to help unload the dishwasher
We learned how to climb the stairs
We carved pumpkins
We learned to drive

We went to Disneyland

And we went trick or treating

Now we're getting ready for the holidays and having a good time back at home!

Yay...Got my Olli-fix....for another day or two. Guess you need to come next week for Thanksgiving! He is so yummy!
BTW...that picture of Oliver and you in the purple is adorable! He sure does love his Momma!
Ohh I love that last video. Miss him so much. You have such a cute little family :)
I am so happy that you posted!!! I love your little Kearns family! Oliver is soo cute, seriously so cute. I love the cute pictures you get...and I love the videos. Macy was very entertained watching the video of Ben and Oliver "sword" fighting. Post again soon!
Looks like you guys are having fun (after Oliver got better). I'm glad Ben got to be home for a little while at least. Those pictures are great! Oliver has the cutest smile. I'll try to keep up with our blog. I don't know why I just haven't felt like posting anything. I dont like the bump at all and can't wait till the babies come. Miss you all!
Oh man this is the best post ever. Love all the pics. Oliver sure is growing up so fast. I can't imagine he's ever do all those things you said. He's like Rowdy looks as cute as can be but has a crazy side ;) It must be said too you look so pretty! Miss you guys. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
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