Okay so there I was telling them I wasn't going to make it and I was throwing in the towel and wanting the c-section and the midwives decided it was time for the epidural. Hallelujah! Those words were like music to my ears. At this point I didn't have any breaks in my contractions they were doubling up one after another. She told me unfortunately since I wasn't progressed very much I was at a higher risk of a c-section and having more complications but I did not care one way or another. This needed to end. They made my mom stay outside the room because they could only have so many people in there. Ben was able to come with me. He was getting really worried at this point. None of us knew if the epidural would actually work. He knew there would be pain but he said it was just breaking his heart. Since my body couldn't hold still they had to give me a spinal first to numb my back and then I could try and hold still for them. Luckily, the spinal did take the edge off and I was able to get an epidural about a half hour later at around 10:00 p.m. That kicked in so fast and I was gone. I just went right to sleep. They hooked me up with a little pitocin and oddly enough my body just took off and started progressing. By 3 in the morning I was at a 5 and they broke my water and at 7 they started setting up the room and at 8 it was time to push. They informed me the reason I couldn't progress was because I wasn't letting my body relax. Also they said he was face up and that's what was causing the back labor. The back of his head was against the bone. So now that he was face up not only did I have to push but I had to try a bunch of positions to get him to turn. Right as they were telling me this the girl next door was starting to push and she was screaming. That freaked me out. Here is a picture of me right before I started pushing. You can tell it was a long day.

This story is almost over. I pushed and gave it my all starting at 8:20 and he was out at 9:18. He had a little meconium so they had the pediatricians in there and handed him off to them right away.

We did get him turned a little bit but not all the way. He came out sideways with his face facing the right. Because of this and since he was such a big baby I did tear a little. But he came out crying his little heart out and healthy as can be at 8 lbs 10 0z and 20 inches long. He has fuzzy dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. He's as beautiful as can be and we just love him.

I'm healing incredibly fast and nursing is coming right along. I was able to come home from the hospital and fit right back into my pre pregnancy pants.

He's a good baby until the night comes and gives us a run for our money. We don't know how to get him to go to sleep without someone holding him just yet so that has been quite the challenge. So if anyone has any great ideas please pass them our way.

Wow, Ashley! That is quite the labor story! Isn't it amazing, the things our bodies can do...I still can't get over the whole thing :) Glad to hear that you guys are doing well! As for the sleeping part, Mariah had the same issue. Some nights I slept with her laying on my chest because that's the only way she would sleep at night. But no worries, he will get the hang of sleeping and will soon go on his own :) He's adorable! Good work you two ;)
OH MY GOSH Ashley, amazing. All of it. From the pain, to your body going to work quickly after the epidural, to fitting into your clothes already, to the darling video of that precious little boy. that was so darn cute. Hope you are doing well, and I can't wait to meet him.
Congratulations! How exciting, and I'm glad the whole ordeal is over for you and you can just enjoy your sweet baby boy!
Congratulations!! Hoorah, he is here! I'm so excited for you two, he's adorably cute. Glad everything went well for you and you didn't end up needing the c-section. Love you tons!
What a story... Congrats you two! He's beautiful, of course. I'm so glad things are going well. Good luck. Love and miss you guys!
Congrats! He is such a handsome little fella!! We are so happy for you both and glad that the pain is over with-now let the fun begin!! right, right?!
Wow this story is intense. I'm so proud of you! He's beautiful. Thanks for posting pics! I can't believe you're already fitting in your jeans. Amazing. Give him a squeeze for us :) Kimbo
Dang girl! That is intense. i can't believe you pushed that huge guy out. He is soooo cute!!! Isn't it nice to wear your pre pregnancy jeans again. I put mine on a week after Macy was born. Macy wouldn't sleep either, so we put her on her tummy and she sleeps like an angel. Good luck and I can't wait til Oliver and Macy can meet.
Congratulations you 2! He is beautiful! You have a great story to tell the little man someday. It'll make him laugh. My kids love to hear there birth stories. As far as the sleeping goes, just hold him. He's gonna grow up faster than you can believe. Cherish every minute!
Congrats!! What a story! He is such a cutie!! Glad everything is fine with you and your cute little Oliver.
Man Ashley... I feel for you. Reading your labor story reminded me of Stellas birth. It was the worst hing ever. Ask michelle... I was telling them to cut my head off, and I was really not kidding. They sent me home too because I was not progressing... so they gave me morphine and told me to go home. I had already been bawling my eyes out, and then when we got home I kept barfing all over, and then finally was able to go, and get the epidural - which changed my life... instantly. With her labor - I also did not heal well, so the two and a half weeks after were terrible too. But I have good news. I was expecting Sterlings birth to be the same. Preparing for the hoeeible experience again. It was not. It was heavenly, Rather than being 26 hours - like stellas... it was 6 hours start to finish. And the pain was way more manageable. I could handle it. And I healed super well and super fast. So... don't let this birth experience make you leary of the next one... you may be like me, and it may be heaven in comparrision. Anyway... he is soooo adorable. I wish I could see him in real life. He looks so flawless and handsome. Love it! And the video was precious. (ps) we almost got a maxi cosi carseat... but went with a britax instead. Let me know what you think of it... Oh yeah, and fitting into your pants right away... NOT FAIR!!! Geuss that means your meant to have lots of kids! Congrats! He seriously couldn't be any cuter!!!
oh yeah... read the book healthy sleep habits happy child. It probably wont help at his age right now - but around three months or so is when it starts to help. We have horrible sleepers, and doing what the book says is all that really works for our kids. So if you are still having any trouble by then, get the book... it will be very useful!
You go girl. I love reading birth stories, but I'm so sorry that there was so much pain for you. Sure makes you a stronger person knowing what you just did though.
Cute little guy too!
Congratulations Ashley & Ben! What a beautiful baby boy. Your Mom had told me she was going to see you for the birth and so I was anxiously waiting to hear something. Yesterday I sent her a text asking if there was a baby yet and she said yes and to check your blog. Enjoy him, they really do grow up sooo fast.
Ohh he is the most adorable little boy. That video made me tear up a little bit! I cannot wait to meet him. So proud of you for getting through that nightmare...
Congratulations again to you and Ben. Oliver is soooooo cute! I loved reading your blog and the account of his birth even though it was extremely difficult on you. (You poor thing - ouch!) After he was born - it makes all the pain worth it!! I wish I was there with you guys and your mom! Keep posting pictures - I love them!! Just remember when he is keeping you up at night - you could have had 3 babies at once like me - we didn't sleep the 1st year of their lives! Enjoy your new baby and let us know when you come to Utah. We would love to come to his blessing. We are so happy for your new family. Enjoy every minute and I know you already are a great Mom!! I love you lots!!! Mari & Family
Well, as you know we are swaddlers. We swaddle Logan like crazy still, although now we only pin one arm down so we can transistion out of it. Even when he was little and acted like he didn't like it, we kept it up. Eventually it soothed him to just begin the swaddling process.
Good luck with getting him to sleep in his bassinet! Thank goodness babies are so cute, otherwise it would be a lot harder to take care of them, lol. I've said this already but Oliver is darling!
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